A Day at the Centre

A Day at the Centre


Each day the centre caters for a different area and on a typical day elderly clients arrive at the centre from 10.00 am and are greeted with a cup of tea and a freshly baked scone and socialise with staff and other visitors. After this, some time is given for the news of the day to be read by a member of staff from the newspaper, to allow the clients to keep aware of local, national and international events.


At twelve noon, time is given for prayers and Holy Communion to anyone who wishes to receive. Following this, the clients partake in some light exercises and then enjoy some quizzes, brainteasers and other activities. Three course lunch is served at 1.00 pm.


After lunch more activities and games such as bingo are played. At this time, we also frequently have a number of speakers to our groups, among them community welfare officers, community garda and fire personnel, exercise and diet related talks and health and well-being advice.